Well I managed to neglect my blog again. This month has been hella busy with (work of course), my sweetheart's parents being in town, my sweetheart's birthday, the Sammy Hagar concert, and our 3 year anniversary (up in Sedona). We still have a UFC 54 party this weekend, and a little family get-together at the top of the next month! This has been the busiest month I can remember. I have this haunting feeling that I'm leaving out some stuff to due to Tequila Memory loss.

My Woman
We found out that my sweetheart's parents will be moving to Phoenix sometime in the near future. This is a good and a bad thing. It means we're gonna have to str8n up our acts! LOL, and there ain't no lie about that either yo, she's 'The Pastor's Daughter'! It means church every other Sundays (this could be a good thing since I'm sure this tequila habit has put me DEEP in the hole with "The Powers that Be"). No more slackin' of our responsibilities @ home due to possible unexpected surprise visits (this will also benefit me since I've been emphasizing a need for improvement). This is just the main 2 issues. Nevertheless, it'll be good to get them in town where we can actually see them on a regular basis.
My sweetheart's Birthday was a simple dinner and evening together, can't ask for anything more basic than that.

Too much Sammy can cause Kidney problems!
The Sammy concert was nearly ruined because the Sweetheart decided to not take proper care of herself and get a Kidney infection right in the middle of the f*N CONCERT. What I mean by this is that by the time we hit the concert, she was in tears from her back feeling like someone wacked her with a hammer. She said she'd be fine to drive home and insisted I stayed and finish the concert since we had other peeps with us (damn str8 yo, she's an MVP like that). So I made sure she was cool enough to handle it, and then let her roll. I missed about 1/3 of the concert due to this and I will never forgive her for it, but what am I supposed to do, beat her up about it verbally for the rest of her life. She didn't ask to get sick, you just have to deal with it, it's out of her hands as well as mine. At least I got to see him play at all!
Our Anniversary in Sedona was great. It was nice to get out of Phoenix and breathe some fresh air and whatnot. The first day we went by
Montezuma's Castle.

It's amazing how people survived back in the day without the means and tools we have today.
Then we went out to the
Oaxaca, a fine Mexican restaurant where to my delight the had Cabo Wabo Anejo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Like pure Diamonds!
Since I have never been blessed with having the Legendary Juggernaut of Cabo Wabo Tequilas, I was grateful to God for the find. It was like a personal Anniversary gift from the heavens.
Next morning we went up to the
Chapel of the Holy Cross. This is an amazing piece of work. If you ever go to Sedona, you need to check this place out. Whether you go to worship or go to appreciate good architecture. This place is amazing.

We had a pretty good time. Anyhow, enough with this post, it's way too long. Smell you L8r.

I'm too fat to deserve a cute lil' Sweetheart like her!