Friday, October 21, 2005

The Mc-K Sisters

Had dinner with Rageous Maximus and the Notorious Mc-Ks...kinda sounds like a band name...hmmm. Anyhow, don't mind the sister to the left. I caught her offguard and she's one stunning (and goofy) mamacita. These girls used to break boys daily in HS. No one was safe. It was good to see them together again.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Ed Tribute

Some more Van Halen. There's something I dig about the lines man.

Friday, October 14, 2005

The Right Sidebar - Rules of Engagement

As you may notice, I have added in a second sidebar to the blog. I've decided to break it down for those whom are not exactly the sharpest Poncho around the block.

The Babe of the Month the girl whom I ran across throughout my endeavors online and found striking in any fashion I please. This girl is like a champion in a never ending competition and can be thrown off the mountain at any time by another sweet piece of 'tang. It can be a celeb, it can be a normal person.

Carolina is some hottie whose blog I ran into on myspace. Gorgeous, normal woman.

At any time a babe can make the hall of fame list. There is no criteria for this list other than I find them more striking than normal.

The Tard Hall of Fame is for Ridiculous imbecile. Point blank. It would actually take a lot for someone to get on this list.

CD of the Month is what I will have in my CD player for the majority of the month.

I'll probably add more throughout time, but this is a satisfying start.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

UncleCabo's Art

Just a little art created by your Uncle Cabo.